Die "European Association for Bioindustries" (EuropaBio) hat einen Innovationspreis ausgeschrieben.
Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award 2010:
EuropaBio launches its call for applications
Brussels, 21 September 2010
This week, EuropaBio launches the call for applications for its Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award, 2010.
This new award will acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by Biotech SMEs towards developing a smart, sustainable and inclusive EU economy for 2020 by providing solutions to some of society’s biggest challenges for the future. It will be presented at this year’s EuropaBio Biotechnology Benefits for Innovation event on 9 December in Brussels which brings together a high-level audience of over 200 Biotech company CEOs, EU decision makers, journalists, VCs and other stakeholders.
Commenting on the award, Dr Andrea Rappagliosi, Chairman of EuropaBio said: “We want to provide a showcase for the very best of the many creative, visionary and innovative European Biotech SMEs and to highlight the vital solutions that they are providing to some of our most pressing societal and environmental needs. This is our way of honouring them and of acknowledging that although they may be small in size, they are great in number and they have enormous potential for providing solutions to help us lead longer, healthier, greener lives for the future.”
EuropaBio represents the interests of over 1800 SMEs as well as 66 corporate and 7 associated members, 4 BioRegions and 22 National Biotechnology Associations.
Tom Saylor, Chairman of EuropaBio’s SME Platform and CEO of SME, Arecor, concluded: “SMEs truly are Europe’s innovation engine. Biotech SMEs, in particular, face a long and difficult pathway towards sustainability. Although we lead in scientific excellence in the EU, we lack the framework and support that these enterprises so desperately need in order to grow strong, sustainable and successful in the long-term. Our winner and nominees will not only have developed much needed products and solutions but will also have overcome many challenges and barriers along the way. It takes determination and tenacity as well as brilliance to succeed in this field and it is this drive and commitment that deserves reward and recognition as much as the end results”.
For further information about the Most Innovative European Biotech SME Award please contact:
Julie Kjestrup, SME Platform coordinator, EuropaBio
Tel: +32 2 739 11 78
gsm: +32 485 36 99 16
For further information about the Biotechnology for Innovation Event on 9 December please contact:
Joanna Dupont Inglis, Communications Manager, EuropaBio
Tel: +32 2 735 0313
gsm: +32 476 607135